
Using Temporal Scaling for Latency Compensation in a Cloud-based Game

Nova is a fast-paced 3D rhythm shooting game built to evaluate latency compensation on cloud-based gaming systems. Shoot incoming asteroids to the music’s rhythm! Nova features three different songs with procedurally generated targets, as well as built-in latency compensation aimed to improve the player’s experience during times of high latency.

I worked on a team of three developers to create Nova. We used the Scrum development pattern with weekly sprints to quickly implement features and iterate on them, progressively building our game while quickly adapting to changes in the project requirements. After developing Nova and its latency compensation, we tested the compensation's effectiveness by running a study with 27 participants and found that our latency compensation was effective in improving player accuracy and quality of experience during times of high latency.

I primarily worked on the core gameplay features, such as camera controls and shooting. I also implemented the game's UI menus and scene changing functionality, and led the group as we wrote our research report.

Download Nova (Windows)

Finished Project Report

(Full text under embargo until April 28, 2022)